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This is Shadow, a 26-year-old who decided to come to Maahi Wellness after hearing about the EESystem from her friend.

Her main issues were finding direction in life and healing her nervous system. Although she had tried other healing modalities in the past, nothing seemed to work, and she still felt directionless and frozen before coming in for EESessions.

Shadow felt stuck and that something in her life was holding her back.

Some of the problems she faced include:

1️⃣ Extremely Fragile: She felt extremely fragile and couldn’t handle any stress without feeling overwhelmed.
2️⃣ Feeling Stuck and Directionless: She felt very confused about the direction of her life. These feelings were even more apparent after her breakup in 2023.
She felt easily overwhelmed even by simple things.
3️⃣ Dark Night of the Soul: Working through ancestral healing and childhood trauma, she realized that not being heard as a child made her feel that her emotions were invalidated and her sense of self was fragmented. This led to confusion about not being able to figure out her purpose in life.

How she found the EESystem at Maahi Wellness?

She was introduced to the EESystem by her friend, Karime, a friend from her yoga class.

How many hours has she spent in the EESystem?

8 hours in total. 4 hours of daytime sessions and a 4-hour mini medicine journey.

Here are some of the transformational changes she’s seen…

➡️ Release of Old deep-seated Anger
Not being listened to by adults in her life as a child led to repressed anger. Two days after her first session, she felt a significant release of anger and resentment from her solar plexus, and she was able to forgive all the authority figures in her life who wouldn’t listen to her and diminished her sense of self. These emotions had all been blocking her from receiving the gifts and blessings life had to offer. After her EESessions, she was able to forgive those that wronged her as a child, and most importantly, herself, for feeling like she wasn’t enough.

➡️ Embracing A New Chapter
After her first session, the stuck-ness and frozen-ness of many years in her life melted away. A whole lot of changes happened in very quick succession. Everything seemed to align – Her roommate moving out, her mom getting an early retirement offer, and potential job opportunities in Australia; she was able to embrace the opportunity to start fresh and pursue her life with renewed confidence and clarity.

➡️ Expanding the Nervous System Capacity
The EESystem helped heal and increase her nervous system’s capacity to handle changes. She felt more ready and was prepared to embrace new challenges and opportunities that showed up in her life. She began to hear her higher guidance and release her old fears and insecurities. She also feels less reactive to other people’s opinions and more self-assured in making both the small and large decisions in her life.

➡️ Releasing Deeply Buried Emotional Toxins
She was able to release emotional toxins like old fears, insecurities, anger, and resentment. With those emotions clearing, she’s feeling calmer, ready to receive and take action. A huge heart-opening process has helped her feel unity with life.

The EESystem does more than just accelerate the body’s natural ability to heal. The scalar frequencies create a powerful manifestation energy field as well.

If you’ve done any healing in the past but haven’t gotten the results you’re looking for, the EESystem’s scalar field may be able to speed up the process and help you get unstuck.

The scalar frequencies from the EESystem help tune into your body’s innate wisdom and healing power, allowing you to achieve deeper levels of transformation 🧘🏻‍♀️

Ready to Book Your EESession?

Please call 604 449 9673 or email to book your EESession today. You can also check out our video testimonials for more information about success stories members have had with the EESystem.

EESystem Casestudy: Shadow Feng (Nervous System Healing & Letting Go of Old Emotional Blocks)

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