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This is Keiko See, a 75-year-old who was intrigued by the EESystem and curious about what the frequencies generated by the EESystem could do for her health. She’s previously experienced energy healing and wanted to see how the EESystem at Maahi Wellness could impact her health and overall well-being.

In the past, she used thoughts to remove a mole on her nose and heal acute rosacea on her skin. She was already aware that thoughts are frequencies.

Keiko wanted to unlock her creativity and have the freedom to freely express herself.

These were some of the reasons she decided to come to the EESystem at Maahi Wellness:

1️⃣ Struggling with Creative Blocks: She noticed that she had an easier time painting and unleashing her creativity after her EESessions. She now doesn’t struggle to figure out colors and compositions when painting.
2️⃣ Low Energy: Keiko would feel tired after a bit of activity.

How she found the EESystem at Maahi Wellness?

Keiko was introduced to the EESystem by her son, who lives in Japan. During his visit, he brought Keiko and her daughter Ann to both a day session and an overnight session at Maahi Wellness.

How many hours has he spent in the EESystem?

She has now completed 64 hours in the EESystem (34 hours of daytime sessions and 30 hours from three overnight sessions).

Here are some of the transformational changes she’s seen…

➡️ Creativity Flowing in Abundance: Her watercolor painting became more spontaneous and effortless. This meant that she could better express herself with ease and have an easier time figuring out colors and compositions. She finds it vert satisfying to paint without any creative blocks!

➡️ No Jetlag after a 10 hours flight: She also noticed that she experienced no jetlag after a 10-hour flight from Japan, whereas previously she would suffer from sleep disruptions for up to a week. She believes this improvement is due to the increased oxygenation of her cells and blood and improved hydration in her cells from the cumulative effects of he EESessions. Long term impact of high oxygenation cell lowers the risk of cellular degeneration and chronic illness.

➡️ Increased Energy Levels – Keiko’s overall energy levels have noticeably improved. Despite her busy schedule, which includes housework, attending classes, and socializing, she finds herself able to do more without getting tired as quickly.

Keiko’s experience with the EESystem highlights the profound impact and long-term benefits of increased cellular oxygenation on your health. Increasing oxygenation to cells can not only help you feel more energized but also significantly reduce cellular degeneration and lower the risk of chronic illnesses.

After her EESessions, she’s also feeling more creative and has the energy to go about her day without feeling tired. If you’re curious to experience how frequency can positively impact the cells in your body, book your session at Maahi Wellness today!🧘🏻‍♀️

Ready to Book Your EESession?

Please call 604 449 9673 or email to book your EESession today. You can also check out our video testimonials for more information about success stories members have had with the EESystem.

EESystem Casestudy: Unlocking Keiko’s Creative Blocks and Increasing Her Energy

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