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March Equinox Healing
Festival in the EESystem

What is the March Equinox Healing Festival?

Bringing healing potential during the powerful March Spring Equinox portal through Intention, Ritual, Meditation and Celebration in the 24unit EESystem healing space
* Festival runs on March 20th and March 21st
* 3 hour session each day: 5p.m. – 8p.m.
* Earlybird pricing available till end of day March 16th

Watch this video where Dee-Founder of Maahi Wellness explains the significance of healing and celebration and rituals during the Spring Equinox portal!


Experience potent healing energy in the EESystem during the March Equinox Spiritual Portal

Why is the March Equinox festival is potent?

The March (Spring) Equinox is practically, physically, emotionally and spiritually a FABULOUS time of energetic opportunity. 

The Equinox is a time when the sun is directly over the equator causing day and night to be of equal length. The equinox happens twice every year (In the spring and in the fall)

Spiritually: The Equinox is a sacred portal in the year cycle where the world comes into perfect equilibrium, equal day to equal night, the balance of light and darkness and a balance of the masculine and feminine in our bodies.

Energetically speaking: The portal’s energies are so potent that they assist us in letting go of old patterns and welcoming the new.

•  In many spiritual traditions the equinox is seen as a time of renewal and transition, a time to let go of the old and welcoming the new, to release what no longer serves us and make space for growth and transformation.

How you can maximize this potent energy portal at Maahi Wellness

At Maahi Wellness we want to bring back the ritual, the celebration and meditation which our ancestors tapped into to open up a powerful spiritual opportunity in the EESystem during every Equinox portal.

• We are layering sound healing, breathwork, group energy healing and song and drum circles over the EESystem frequencies to potentize the healing frequencies in the space!

Don’t miss out on this powerful energetic time during the March (spring) Equinox festival on March 20th and March 21st 2024!

What can you expect during the festival

A 3-hour evening session on both of the days(March 20th and 21st)  will include multiple healers leading you through different modalities of healing in the 24-unit EESystem energy room.

• At the beginning of each day- you will be lead through a group intention setting process -where you will experience the possibilities of activating the healer within and  letting go of the old and inviting the new.

• This is a powerful time and let’s use it to assist in our healing and ascension.

We invite you to join us to experience and benefit from our March (spring) Equinox festival and spend 3 hours in the EESystem

Rays of Light

We are limited to 15 spots so
book early!



To Purchase Your Festival Pass

March Equinox Healing Festival Agenda

Festival Pass Pricing

2-Day Pass

(March 20th & March 21st)
$ 395
  • Early Bird until end of day March 16th

1-Day Pass

(Either March 20th or March 21st)
$ 220
  • Early Bird until end of day March 16th

We are limited to 15 spots so book early! 

Just remember 3 hours just in the EESystem is a value of $180 and now with early bird pricing, you will be able to access this during the Equinox portal with multiple other healing options layered onto the scalar frequencies!

To Purchase Your Festival Pass

Meet the Healers


A Quantum Healer and Alchemist, Energy Intuitive, and a beacon of transformative spiritual coaching and teaching. As a practitioner of Quantum-Touch and Jikiden Reiki, a channeller, psychic, medium, and Shamanic conduit, Marieke embodies a myriad of roles, each interwoven with the threads of healing and enlightenment.

Among the array of services Marieke offers, you’ll find Quantum Energy Healing tailored for adults, children, and animals, designed to create harmony, and alleviate pain. Her Quantum Alchemy Journeys delve into personal consciousness, activating inner healing powers and extra sensory abilities.


A holistic health coach and trauma-informed practitioner working with alternative healing modalities which include Somatic Breathwork, Advanced Kambo Facilitation, Bufo and Mushroom Ceremonies, Parts Work, and Sound Healing. She has over 14 years of professional experience working in the realm of holistic healing and expanded states of consciousness. She is a playful explorer of consciousness and is passionate about providing a nurturing space for you to heal your heart, refresh your soul, and awaken your authentic expression.

Matt Bullock

Matthew deftly bridges the realms of artistry and alternative healing—singer, multi-instrumentalist, ceremony facilitator, breathwork practitioner, and woodwork craftsman. Through his training in Breathwave and Subconscious Imprinting Technique, as well as his background as youth counselor for 15 years, Matthew brings both play and depth to his craft. Above all, he cultivates profound spaces where creativity and connection not only emerge, but thrive.
Deeply insightful, buoyantly cynical, generously spirited, and at times completely irreverent, his presence evokes authenticity to shine with ease

Mia The Medicine Mystic

An RN of 15 years, Mia is making her transition into the world of Holistic Health and Wellness. She is a Mystic, Quantum Healer, and Trauma Informed Breathwork Practitioner that unites her connection with Spirit with her knowledge and experience of both Eastern and Western Medicine to help others bioharmonize their health and their spiritual evolution
From a Trauma aware and informed lens, Mia will be leading you through a meditative breathwork session to guide you into deeper safety and deeper connection within self. She will guide you through a grounding practice and then lead you through an intentional breathing pattern. She will then gently guide you back into a space where we will wrap things up with an invitation to share your experience.

Ivy Huang

Singer, poet, instrumentalist, intuitive reader, and ceremony facilitator. The fact that Ivy attended a zen meditation retreat at the age of 12 tells much of what you need to know about this unassuming wisdom keeper. Don’t let her youth and sweetness fool you, she brings ancient wisdom and will not flinch to cut right to the heart of the matter. With her background in western psychology, training in PSYCH-K for subconscious reprogramming, and self-studies in Chinese & Ayurvedic Medicine, Ivy holds a holistic perspective that easily embraces all aspects of self—mind, body, heart. Flowing with grace and perceptive of beauty, even with her eyes half-closed she sees more than most of us struggling with our eyes wide open.

To Purchase Your Festival Pass

Upcoming Events

In Person Education Workshop

Getting the most out of your
EESystem sessions
  • 11:30 AM - 2:00 PM
  • Saturday March 30th, 2024

Online Education Workshop

Getting the most out of your
EESystem sessions
  • 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
  • Monday April 1st, 2024
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